I am enough and I choose me

I’m gonna be honest with you– this last month has been hard to maintain balance. Both boys started playing ball so we’ve been at the field 4 nights a week, work has been busier and we’ve had a lot filling our weekend schedule. I have had to fight keeping myself first and maintaining my wellness schedule for my mind, body and spirit.

So I feel like I need to be bold and share the words below with you, hopefully to inspire some of you as well as to hold myself accountable–

I choose me. I choose happiness, balance and contentment. I choose peacefulness with my family instead of scurry. I choose to fill up my cup and have mindfulness and gratitude so I can pour out onto others. I choose my superfood nutrition to nourish and fuel my body. I choose my faith to persevere. I choose joy because life is too short. I choose a high wall of protection to not be sucked into this world’s demands and expectations because I will never be enough.

I am enough and I choose me.