
As your coach, I will help you identify how you typically respond to conflict and transform that into new ways to have meaningful, productive conversations.

Through confidential, one-on-one coaching, we work on combining conflict resolution and emotional intelligence techniques to help you be your best self when faced with adversity.

Often times conflict is viewed with negative emotions with a win/lose outcome. But what if we can transform conflict into collaboration and sharing different points of view? What if we had the strength to set aside our agenda to be a good listener and then allow ourselves the opportunity to share our point of view without adding accusations, past grievances, insults, manipulation and blame?

Together, we work on

  • Healthy ways to respond to conflict
  • Identify exactly what it is beneath the surface of the conflict that is getting your emotions boiling
  • Productive ways to communicate your emotions
  • How to have a meaningful conversation where you can bring different points of view to surface and find common ground

Contact Me to Book a Session